Baru Rilis Sehari, Valve Hadirkan “Balance Patch” Dota 2 7.20b

7.20 b

Valve baru saja merilis patch terbaru untuk Dota 2 yang membawa banyak perubahan di 7.20 ini. Seperti update besar sebelum-sebelumnya, di patch 7.20 ini juga berdampak ke beberapa hero yang dilapangan justru memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa atau “OP” seperti Meepo, Luna, Slark, Obsidian Devourer dan beberaa hero lainnya.

Untuk membuat permainan kembali balance hanya bersela satu hari setelah rilis patch 7.20 akhirnya Valve merilis “balance patch7.20b. Dalam balance patch ini Valve kembali melakukan perubahan di beberapa hero maupun item. Setidaknya ada 17 hero yang kembali mengalami perubahan di patch 7.20b ini baik terkena nerf maupun buff kemudian ada satu itemyang mengalami perubahan. Penasaran apa saja ? simak informasi lengkapnya di bawah ini :


Hero Buffs :



Centaur : Retaliate max stacks increased from 10 to 13



Clinkz : Burning Army base attack time improved from 1.8/1.65/1.5 to 1.65/1.5/1/35

Clinkz : Burning Army cast range increased from 800 to 1200



Drow : Base agility increased by 4

Drow : Precision Aura increased from 20/36/52/68% to 20/40/60/80%


Ember Spirit

Ember Spirit : Fixed a bug with multiple Fire Remnant instances not doing damage properly

Ember Spirit : Sleight of Fist damage increased from 30/60/90/120 to 35/70/105/140



Medusa : Agility increased from 20 + 2.5 to 22 + 3.4

Medusa : Level 15 Talent increased from +20% Mystic Snake Mana Steal to +35%


Outworld Devourer

Outworld Devourer : Base Intelligence increased from 24 to 28

Outworld Devourer : Equilibrium mana restore from 60/80/100/120% to 80/100/120/140%

Outworld Devourer : Equilibrium slow from 8/16/24/32% to 12/20/28/36%

Outworld Devourer : Equilibrium cooldown from 20 to 18



Sven : Warcry shield health increased from 100/200/300/400 to 110/220/330/440

Storm Spirit

Storm Spirit : Electric Vortex duration from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6

Storm Spirit : Electric Vortex cooldown from 21/20/19/18 to 22/20/18/16

Storm Spirit : Overload attack speed reduction from -50 to -80 (matches movement speed now)


Treant Protector

Treant Protector : Nature’s Guise fade time reduced from 4.75/4/3.25/2.5 to 4/3.5/3/2.5

Treant Protector : Nature’s Guise total damage increased from 30/80/130/180 to 30/90/150/210

Treant Protector : Nature’s Guise movement speed increased from 10/15/20/25% to 14/18/22/26%



Venomancer : Poison Sting slow from 11/12/13/14% to 11/13/15/17%


Hero Nerfs


Dazzle : Poison Touch manacost increased from 80/90/100/110 to 80/100/120/140

Dazzle : Bad Juju debuff duration reduced from 10 to 8



Luna : Bad Juju debuff duration reduced from 10 to 8

Luna : Level 15 Talent changed from +14 Lunar Blessing Attributes to +30 Movement Speed


Lone Druid

Lone Druid : Spirit Link attack speed reduced from 30/50/70/90 to 20/40/60/80

Lone Druid : Spirit Link cooldown from 42/34/26/18 to 44/36/28/20



Meepo : Agility gain reduced from 2.2 to 1.4

Meepo : Poof damage reduced from 80/100/120/140 to 70/90/110/130

Meepo : Ransack hero steal 8/100/120/140 to 6/10/14/18

Meepo : Level 10 Talent reduced from +15 Damage to +10

Meepo : Level 15 Talent changed from +10% Lifesteal to +15% Evasion

Meepo : Level 20 Talent Talent changed from +15 Evasion to +10% Lifesteal

Meepo : Level 25 Talent Talent changed from +600 Health to +400



Slark : Now only steals agility when he kills the enemy himself

Slark : Pounce leash duration from 3.5 to 2.75/2.75/3.25/3/5

Slark : Pounce leash range from 325 to 350

Slark : Shadow Dance cooldown increased from 60 to 80/70/60

Slark : Level 20 Talent reduced from +3s Punce Leash to +2s


Sand King

Sand King : Sandstorm cooldown increased from 34/28/22/16 to 40/32/24/16

Sand King : Sandstorm manacost resacled from 60/50/40/30 to 60



Underlord : Intelligence gain reduced from 2.6 to 2.3


Item Nerfs

Wraith Band : Attack speed bonus reduced from 8 to 7

Demikian perubahan patch dati 7.20 ke 7.20b balance patch untuk membuat permainan lebih stabil lagi. Apakah kalian masih merasa beberapa hero di patch 7.20b ini terlihat “OP” ?

Tertarik dengan artikel mengenai Dota 2 ? simak informasi menarik lainnya dari Happy.

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