Resident Evil Village diumumkan pada PS5 Reveal bulan kemarin. Dengan Resident Evil 3 Remake baru tahun ini dirilis, beberapa fans sempat merasa kalau Capcom mulai terburu-buru dengan pengembangan seri baru Resident Evil, namun kenyataanya ialah sekuel baru franchise horor tersebut telah dikembangkan sudah lama.
Alex Aniel, seorang fanatik Resident Evil, mendapat kesempatan untuk wawancarai Capcom akan beberapa detil dibalik game. Menurutnya, game telah dikembangkan sejak 3.5 Tahun lalu, sesuai dengan rumor yang menyebutkan kalau proyek sekuel ini awalnya dimulai sebagai Resident Evil Revelations 3 dan bukan kelanjutan Resident Evil 7.
Q1. It's been 2.5 months since RE:3 and we're surprised to see another numbered title announced already. How long has the game been in development?
A1. It's been 3.5 years since we began planning the title.
— Alex Aniel (@cvxfreak) July 1, 2020
Dari aspek cerita, tak banyak yang Alex Aniel dapatkan pada sesi wawancaranya, namun dapat dipastikan bahwa RE Village akan miliki koneksi kuat dengan RE7 dan trailer sebenarnya secara tidak langsung telah menunjukkannya.
Q4. The trailer says "His story comes to a close." Who is that referring to?
A4. We'll let you decide. But know that Village is the sequel to Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, and serves as the conclusion to its story.
— Alex Aniel (@cvxfreak) July 1, 2020
Q5. RE7's Ethan is the protagonist. There's an option in RE7 that changes the story. Which does Village follow?
A5. Look closely at the trailer; you can see the connections between Ethan's current situation and what happened in RE7. If you haven't played RE7, please do so!
— Alex Aniel (@cvxfreak) July 1, 2020
RE Village disinyalir akan menjadi seri dimana beberapa mekanik lama akan dibawa kembali seperti sistem inventory ala RE4 dan puzzle ala RE klasik.
Q9. You showed the inventory screen in the Special Developer Message. Looks like RE4's attache case! (I filled it with eggs back in the day). We're looking forward to item management!
A9. Can't go into detail but inventory management is very important! Please look forward to it.
— Alex Aniel (@cvxfreak) July 1, 2020
Q12. There's a screen w/ a door that looks like a puzzle. We're intrigued; are solving mysteries an indispensable part of RE?
A13. On top of fear, combat & item management, exploration is a must in RE. Solving puzzles is definitely in; it expands the breadth of the gameplay.
— Alex Aniel (@cvxfreak) July 1, 2020
Resident Evil Village akan rilis untuk PC, Xbox Series X dan PS5. Capcom dikabarkan telah batalkan versi current-gen dari game ini untuk sepenuhnya fokus pada teknologi baru.