Update Mobile Legends Terbaru Patch 1.8.44, Daftar Hero yang di Buff, Nerf, dan Revamp!

Update Mobile Legends Terbaru Patch 1.8.44

Update Mobile Legends – Moonton beberpa waktu lalu meluncurkan patch Update Mobile Legends Terbaru yaitu Patch 1.8.44. Pada patch ini, ada banyak perubahan yang diberikan Moonton terhadap hero – hero dalam game tersebut.

Dan pada patch ML terbaru 1.8.44 ini juga, Cukup banyak hero yang mendapatkan penyesuaian. Ada hero yang mendapatkan Buff, ada juga yang mendapatkan Nerf, dan ada juga yang mendapatkan penyeimbangan.

Update Mobile Legends Terbaru Patch 1.8.44

Update Mobile Legends Terbaru

Berikut adalah Detail Update Mobile Legends Terbaru Patch 1.8.44:

Buff, Nerf, dan Balancing

Moskov (Balancing)

Pasif: Spear of Quienscence (Balancing)

Masha (Buff)

Pasif: Ancient Strength (Buff)
Skill 1: Wild Power (Buff)

Balmond (Buff)

Skill 2: Cyclone Sweep (Buff)
Ultimate: Lethal Counter (Buff)

Joy (Nerf)

Ultimate: Ha, Electrifying Beats! (Nerf)

Nana (Buff)

Skill 2: Molina Smooch (Buff)
Ultimate: Molina Blitz (Buff)

Vexana (Buff)

Skill 1: Deadly Grasp (Balancing)
Skill 2: Cursed Blast (Buff)

Vale (Buff)

Pasif: Windtalk (Balancing)
Skill 1: Windblade (Balancing)
Skill 2: Windblow (Balancing)
Ultimate: Windstorm (Balancing)

Barats (Buff)

Pasif: Big Guy (Buff)
Skill 1: So-Called Teamwork (Balancing)
Skill 2: Missile Expert (Buff)
Ultimate: Detona’s Welcome (Buff)

Alice (Buff)

Pasif: Blood Ancestry (Buff)
Skill 1: Flowing Blood (Nerf)
Skill 2: Blood Awe (Nerf)
Ultimate: Blood Ode (Buff)

Lunox (Buff)

Pasif: Dreamland Twist (Buff)
Skill 2: Chaos Assault (Nerf)

Ultimate: Power of Order (Nerf)
Ultimate: Power of Chaos (Balancing)

Selena (Buff)

Skill 1: Abysal Trap (Elven Form) (Buff)
Skill 1: Soul Eater (Abyssal Form) (Buff)
Skill 2: Gorotte (Abyssal Form) (Buff)
Ultimate: Primal Darkness & Blessing of The Moon Goddess

Guinevere (Nerf)

Skill 1: Energy Wave (Balancing)
Skill 2: Spatial Migration (Nerf)

Dyrroth (Buff)

Ultimate: Abysm Strike

Lancelot (Balancing)

Skill 2: Thorned Rose (Balancing)
Ultimate: Phantom Execution (Balancing)

Kimmy (Buff)

Skill 1: Energy Transformation (Buff)

Energy Cost: 5 > 4

Ultimate: Maximum Charge (Balancing)

Yin (Buff)

Ultimate: My Turn

Bruno (Nerf)

Skill 1: Volley Shot (Nerf)

Terizla (Nerf)

Ultimate: Penalty Zone (Buff)

Itulah daftar Update Mobile Legends Terbaru Patch 1.8.44. Jadi, apakah hero kesayanganmu masuk kedalam Update terbaru? Apakah mereka terkena nerf parah ataukan buff yang terlalu broken?

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